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Organic Ashwagandha Powder
  • Size: 200 GR
  • 100% organic

  • Global superfood

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What is Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha, whose botanical name is Withania somnifera and belongs to the Solanaceae family. It is an herbaceous shrub that originated in the Middle East and especially in India where it is called "Indian Ginseng"

Ashwagandha Powder Bio
The powder that is made from ashwagandha root has a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor, but it has good solubility, so it is recommended to take the powder mixed with other foods to make its intake more pleasant.

How to Take
Ashwagandha powder has a very distinctive taste, but it can be easily disguised by mixing it with other ingredients. It can be dissolved in fruit juice drinks, smoothies, milk or yogurt or added to recipes or doughs for cakes and cookies.

Certified Organic and Vegan 100%
Without the use of pesticides and unnatural chemical fertilizers that are not helpful to the body and health. Without additives and excipients. Suitable for vegans and vegetarians. Certified Organic by inspection bodies authorized by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Ashwagandha Powder Bio

The powder that is made from ashwagandha root has a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor, but it has good solubility, so it is recommended to take the powder mixed with other foods to make its intake more pleasant.

Useful information

What is ashwagandha?

Ashwagandha is a well-known plant in Ayurvedic medicine, and records of its use date back more than 3,000 years. Its botanical name is Withania somnifera and belongs to the Solanaceae family, the same as the tomato, eggplant, nightshade, tobacco, and even the potato.
It is an herbaceous shrub, woody at the base, that reaches up to a height of about 170 cm and grows wild or can be cultivated. Also known as the "King and Queen of Herbs" or "Winter Cherry" it is increasingly known and appreciated for its properties.

The Plant

Withania somnifera is a woody herbaceous shrub. It belongs to the Solanaceae family, the same as the tomato, and like the tomato it has small green-yellow flowers and oval leaves. The fruits vary in color from red to yellow-orange depending on ripeness and look like small tomatoes. The plant is covered with a down that gives it a grey-cerulean glow.
Ashwagandha originates in North Africa, the Middle East and especially in India, where, due to its properties, it is considered the most popular plant and therefore called "Indian Ginseng."


Ashwagandha comes from the Sanskrit ashwa meaning "horse," the origin of this name comes from the fact that from the root of this plant was able to give people the strength of a stallion. Another theory states that the literal meaning of the word ashwagandha is "horse smell" because the fresh roots of the herb have an unpleasant odor.
The name of the somnifera species comes from Latin and can be translated "sleep-inducing," this would refer to its ability to improve the quality of sleep. There is evidence to suggest that the root of this plant was used many years ago by the Indian population. In fact, in addition to being used as a food, the root is mainly exploited in folk and Ayurvedic medicine.

Flavor and texture

The powder that is made from the Ashwagandha root has a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor, but it has good solubility, which is why it is recommended to take the powder mixed with other foods to make it more pleasant to take.
Important is the method of processing, ashwagandha powder must be processed at low temperatures to preserve all its nutrients intact.

How to take ashwagandha powder?

Organic ashwagandha powder is considered an excellent way to incorporate this root into one's diet.
It goes well with fruit juices, chocolate, yogurt or milk much more... Ashwagandha powder can be dissolved in drinks, in smoothies or added to cake and cookie doughs or in savory recipes. Ashwagandha tea is another way to consume the root and you can add some manuka honey to enhance the flavor.

Recipes with ashwagandha

Ashwagandha powder has a very distinctive taste and can be taken in a variety of ways:

  • in smoothies or juices
  • in yogurt and milk
  • together with muesli or other dried fruits and oilseeds
  • as an ingredient in homemade desserts
  • in salads or as a dressing
  • for broths or soups
  • in herbal teas or teas

100% organic

Our Ashwagandha powder is 100% pure and Organic, it is produced in India on organic plantations and is approved by the Control Body of the Ministry of Agriculture.

We at NaturaleBio take special care in selecting all our organic products.

Ashwagandha powder is processed at low temperatures, so its characteristics are preserved even during this process.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Proven effectiveness

L'Ashwagandha, scientificamente nota come Withania somnifera, è una pianta che ha una lunga storia nella medicina tradizionale indiana, l'Ayurveda. Ecco alcune informazioni sulla storia dell'ashwagandha: Origine e tradizione: l'ashwagandha è originaria dell'India e viene spesso chiamata “ginseng indiano”. La pianta viene utilizzata da migliaia di anni nella medicina ayurvedica per sostenere la salute fisica e mentale. Applicazioni ayurvediche: In Ayurveda, l'ashwagandha è considerata un adattogeno, cioè può aiutare l'organismo ad adattarsi allo stress e a ripristinare l'equilibrio. È tradizionalmente utilizzata per promuovere la vitalità e sostenere il sistema immunitario. Importanza storica: l'ashwagandha è citata nelle antiche scritture ayurvediche, tra cui la “Charaka Samhita” e la “Sushruta Samhita”. Queste scritture documentano l'uso dell'ashwagandha e le sue applicazioni terapeutiche. Uso nella medicina popolare: in India e in altre parti dell'Asia meridionale, l'ashwagandha è stata utilizzata nella medicina popolare per affrontare una serie di problemi di salute, tra cui l'insonnia, lo stress, l'infiammazione e per aumentare la libido. Ricerca moderna: negli ultimi decenni, la ricerca scientifica ha iniziato a studiare i potenziali benefici dell'ashwagandha per la salute. Questo ha portato a un crescente interesse per la pianta e le sue applicazioni. L'ashwagandha ha una ricca storia nella medicina tradizionale e un futuro promettente nella ricerca scientifica moderna. L'ashwagandha è nota anche come “ginseng indiano”. Ingredienti: estratto di radice di ashwagandha: la polvere è ricavata dalle radici della pianta di ashwagandha. Questa radice contiene composti bioattivi, tra cui i withanolidi, che si ritiene siano responsabili dei potenziali benefici per la salute. Potenziali benefici: riduzione dello stress: l'ashwagandha è spesso associata alla riduzione dello stress. Si ritiene che riduca la produzione di ormoni dello stress, il che può portare a una riduzione della risposta allo stress. Qualità del sonno: è dimostrato che l'ashwagandha può migliorare la qualità del sonno favorendo il rilassamento e alleviando i disturbi del sonno. Adattogeno: L'ashwagandha è spesso considerata un adattogeno, il che significa che può aiutare l'organismo a far fronte allo stress e ad adattarsi ai cambiamenti. Antinfiammatorio: alcuni studi suggeriscono che l'ashwagandha possa avere proprietà antinfiammatorie.