Cromoterapia: cos’è e come stare meglio con i colori

Chromotherapy: What It Is and How to Feel Better with Colors

There chromotherapy what is it? It is the “science” that studies colors and their interaction with the well-being of the human organism.

It would seem, in fact, that Different shades of color have different influences on our mood , concentration and overall health.

Even in nutrition, there are color-based diets , because each food, depending on its shade, contains nutrients and, therefore, a different “positive energy”.

What are the most positive colors for us? And in what contexts?

Chromotherapy in everyday life

Whether it's clothes, food, consumer products or furniture, color has a great power of attraction for us, leading us to make decisions or to get into the right state of mind.

For example, there are strong correlations between the color of the walls in the various rooms of a house and the emotion they evoke. interior designer they agree in stating that warm and bright tones , such as yellow, are perfect for those environments where it is necessary to keep energy levels high, to be welcoming but active, such as the kitchen or offices. On the contrary, for bedrooms or relaxation areas, it is better to opt for relaxing and reflective tones , such as light blue, light green or lilac.

So, painting a bedroom bright red might not be a good idea, as it could lead to insomnia and feelings of agitation.

Also The clothes we wear tend to reflect our mood and personality : this is why we are more likely to wear light, warm colours when we are happy, and darker or neutral tones when we are a little down.

Even at the table, the combination of vibrant colors in dishes immediately brings positivity , helps those who lack appetite and allows for the introduction of a greater variety of micronutrients: between a plate of plain pasta topped with blanched cauliflower, with neutral and slightly “tasteless” tones, and a colorful pasta sautéed with many types of vegetables… you will tend to prefer the latter!

But does chromotherapy have any scientific basis?

Finding connections between our mood and the colors we are immersed in makes quite sense... thinking of "curing" ourselves with colors, however, is not scientifically proven.

There are those who claim that “blue cures inflammation” but this is, in fact, just a belief, not supported by data. If a blue room can be pleasant and relaxing and induce sleep, it certainly cannot be attributed to healing effects on real psycho-physical pathologies.

Medical literature, in fact, Not recognizes scientific basis in chromotherapy, it is, at most, a mild placebo effect , that is, we convince ourselves that a certain element is good for us and this same belief causes it to actually do us good, at least to a minimal extent.

As always, therefore, it is beautiful and interesting to explore alternative knowledge and understand how our mind can be influenced by the context in which we live, but without exaggerating with conviction.


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