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Matcha Tea Premium Grade
  • Size: 50 GR
  • 100% organic

  • Global superfood

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Produced in Japan
Matcha is a refined Japanese green tea. Cultivated in Japan, matcha is an extremely fine and fragrant powder, but its outstanding feature is its intense green colour! Our matcha comes from the city of Uji, on the southern outskirts of Kyoto Prefecture. The climatic conditions of this area are perfect for the production of matcha.

Matcha Premium Grade
Matcha tea is the essence of green tea. Traditionally used in Japan, it stands out compared with other green tea for its bright green colour and flavour, and is of a higher grade than the Matcha Premium or Culinary grade. Only first harvest leaves are used. The leaves are protected from sunlight for 20 days before harvesting. This method keeps the levels of theanine and chlorophyll in the tea intact and high.

Certified Organic and Vegan
100% Pure and Organic. Produced without pesticides and unnatural chemical fertilisers which can harm the body and our general health. Produced in Japan. Certified organic by supervisory boards authorised by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture.

Matcha Premium Grade

Matcha tea represents the essence of green tea. Traditionally used in Japan, it stands out compared with other green tea for its bright green colour and its flavour, and is of a higher grade than the Matcha Culinary Grade. Leaves are protected from sunlight for 20 days before being harvested, keeping the levels of teanine and chlorophyll present in the tea intact and high.

Useful information

What is Matcha?

Matcha is a refined Japanese green tea. Cultivated in Japan, matcha is an extremely fine and fragrant powder, but its outstanding feature is its intense green colour. Our Matcha comes from the city of Uji, on the southern outskirts of Kyoto Prefecture. The climatic conditions of this area are perfect for the production of matcha. Soil and climatic conditions ideal for tea cultivation are essential in obtaining high quality matcha.

What grade of Matcha is yours?

Ours is a Premium Grade, intended for preparation as a tea for drinking.

Traditional japanese ceremony preparation

The preparation of traditional Matcha consists of adding 80 ml of water at a "temperature betwen 60-75 ° " (not boiling temperature) and 1 portion (1 g) of Matcha. Shake rapidly using a traditional Matcha Whisk or a normal kitchen whisk.

Does it contain caffeine?

Yes, each portion (1 g) contains about 30 mg of caffeine, equivalent to 1/3 of a cup of coffee. Matcha also contains theanine, which has a calming effect and reduces the effects of caffeine.

What is the difference between premium grade, culinary grade and ceremonial grade?

The Ceremonial grade is intended for traditional preparation as a tea for drinking, Matcha Premium is lower quality compared to Ceremonial, but it is still an excellent alternative to Matcha Ceremonial and is ideal to add to milk, yogurt, smoothies or in the kitchen. Culinary grade is used as an ingredient in recipes. Premium and Culinary grade come from the 2nd and 3rd harvests of green tea leaves, ceremonial grade comes from the first harvest.

Matcha Tea Preparation: Tea Ceremony

‘Chanoyu’, meaning ‘hot water for tea’, is the name given to the Japanese social and spiritual rite that is the tea ceremony.

Only the most prized ceremonial grade matcha is used.

The matcha tea is prepared as a suspension in order to preserve all its organoleptic properties.

The extremely fine and intense green powder is mixed directly into the hot water using a special wooden whisk, called ‘chasen’, which removes lumps and gives the liquid a creamy texture.

80 ml of water at a "temperature between 60-75 ° " (not boiling temperature) 1 portion (1 g) of Matcha. Mix rapidly using a traditional Matcha Wisk or an ordinary kitchen blender.

Alternate M-shape movements with W-shape movements close to the surface to obtain an airy foam.

How matcha is cultivated & processed

The quality of matcha also depends on the specific plant variety, or cultivar, used. The main cultivars are: Yabukita, Okumidori, Samudori and Asahi

Yabukita is surely the main cultivar from which the finest and best matcha is obtained.

NaturaleBio Matcha comes from the Yabukita cultivar.

Hilly and mountainous areas are ideal for cultivating high quality matcha. Matcha is shade-grown for 15 to 20 days before being harvested towards the middle of May. In ancient times, growers used straw, but today they use black coverings to protect the plantation from sunlight. This cultivation method preserves all the properties of the matcha.

Keeping the tea leaves away from the sun maintains high levels of chlorophyll and theanine, essential for preserving the beneficial properties of the tea.

Stone Grinding

The Japanese Tea Master examines, tastes and grades the tencha of different varieties in order to select the very best quality for grinding exclusively by stone mill. The mill consists of a large funnel into which the tencha is placed. At its base, two stone blocks slowly and finely grind the tencha, transforming it finally into ‘matcha’. The slow movement of the stone blocks keeps the mill temperature to a minimum, thus preserving the organoleptic properties of the product. 1 hour of grinding produces only 30 grams of matcha

Recipes with Premium Matcha Tea

  • Matcha Green Tea Tiramisu

    Preparation time: ~30 min

    • 2 tablespoons matcha green tea and 250 ml water
    • Sugar to taste
    • Savoyards to taste.
    • 4 eggs
    • 110 grams of sugar
    • 500 grams of mascarpone
    • Matcha tea q.b.

    Put water in a small saucepan to heat. Put matcha green tea and sugar in a deep dish and add the hot water. Bathe the ladyfingers in the matcha tea. Mix the egg yolks with the sugar, then slowly incorporate the mascarpone. In another bowl, whip the egg whites and incorporate them into the cream until smooth and creamy. Combine the tea powder. Cover the base of an oven dish with the cream then create a first layer with ladyfingers soaked in green tea. Top with a layer of cream and continue by alternating ladyfingers and cream. Sprinkle a small amount of matcha green tea over the tiramisu. Let rest in the refrigerator before serving. You can use a baking dish or make convenient single servings. You can also use other types of cookies dipped in Matcha green tea.

    Preparation time: ~30 min

    • 2 tablespoons matcha green tea and 250 ml water
    • Sugar to taste
    • Savoyards to taste.
    • 4 eggs
    • 110 grams of sugar
    • 500 grams of mascarpone
    • Matcha tea q.b.

    Put water in a small saucepan to heat. Put matcha green tea and sugar in a deep dish and add the hot water. Bathe the ladyfingers in the matcha tea. Mix the egg yolks with the sugar, then slowly incorporate the mascarpone. In another bowl, whip the egg whites and incorporate them into the cream until smooth and creamy. Combine the tea powder. Cover the base of an oven dish with the cream then create a first layer with ladyfingers soaked in green tea. Top with a layer of cream and continue by alternating ladyfingers and cream. Sprinkle a small amount of matcha green tea over the tiramisu. Let rest in the refrigerator before serving. You can use a baking dish or make convenient single servings. You can also use other types of cookies dipped in Matcha green tea.

  • Matcha Green Tea Cookies

    Preparation time: ~60 min

    Quick to dunk in tea, but they are also great in milk. For a rich and nutritious breakfast or a relaxing afternoon snack. Serve them with a light dusting of powdered sugar on top to make them even better!

    • 215 g flour 00
    • 150 g butter
    • 100 g powdered sugar
    • 3 yolks
    • 1.5 tablespoon Matcha tea powder
    • 1 pinch of salt

    Whisk the flour together with the powdered sugar and Matcha green tea. Add the egg yolks, chopped butter and a pinch of salt and knead until smooth. Shape into a loaf, wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 30 minutes. Turn on the oven. Take out the dough and roll it out with the help of a rolling pin (about 1 cm thick). Cut out cookies using the shapes you like best! Arrange the cookies on a baking sheet with baking paper. Bake in the oven at 180° for about 15 minutes.

  • Matcha Latte

    Preparation time: ~5 min

    To enjoy a perfect matcha latte you will need to get some traditional Japanese utensils: Chashaku: a thin bamboo spoon scoops just the right amount (1g) of matcha tea for one cup. Chasen: a wide, stubby whisk made of bamboo, ideal for stirring the tea powder evenly without altering the taste. If you don't have them, you can safely use a simple kitchen whisk or a whisk to froth the milk.

    • 250ml milk
    • 1g matcha (one teaspoon)
    • sugar (to taste)

    Heat the milk (without boiling it though!). Pour the matcha with the help of Chashaku into a nice big cup and add the sugar. Add a couple of tablespoons of hot water (40ml), stirring very well with the help of the Chasen. When you have obtained a creamy mixture without lumps pour in the milk. N.B. Alternatively, you can use cold milk and add ice cubes before serving.

Customer Reviews

Based on 538 reviews
Liviana Toffali


Stefano Priolo
gusto amarevole

lo uso come condimento

Maria Revkov
Great taste and gets you energized all day

I really liked it, next time I will buy a bigger package

Linda E.
Great stuff

The flavor is good, the only drawback is the packaging: there is a lot of powder inside (static).

