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Cacao Powder
  • Size: 1 KG
  • Taxes and shipping costs included

  • Estimated delivery: 3/6 working days

  • 100% organic

  • Global Superfoods

  • Free Shipping


  • Made in Peru

    Cocoa is what Linnaeus called Theobroma, from Theos meaning “god” and broma “food”, that is, food of the gods. Cocoa is a tropical tree whose natural habitat is in the lower layer of the rainforest. It is therefore found in Its favourable habitat is in tropical forests, where it finds a constant climate all year round, with abundant rainfall well distributed throughout the year.

  • Properties of Cocoa

    Cocoa has a high fiber content while it is low in sugar. Cocoa is a source of magnesium which contributes to electrolyte balance and normal energy metabolism. Cocoa is a source of manganese which contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress and of phosphorus which contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and teeth.

  • Processed at low temperatures

    Cocoa requires a complex and long processing. The powder must be fine and fragrant, the drying method occurs at low temperatures to preserve all the nutrients inside it intact.

Cocoa powder


Processed at low temperatures

Cocoa requires a complex and long processing. The powder must be fine and fragrant, the drying method occurs at low temperatures to preserve all the nutrients inside it intact.


Useful Information

What is Cocoa?

Cocoa is what Linnaeus called Theobroma , from Theos which means “god” and broma “food”, that is, food of the gods . The richness of this plant is certainly mainly contained in the beans contained in its fruit (cabosse). Beans can be eaten raw, or they can be reduced to granules or powder depending on the type of consumption.

The cocoa plant

The wild cocoa plant is very diverse . Throughout its history it has given rise to a huge variety of within its species, due to numerous mutations. The plant develops in height and reaches 2 meters, then the branches extend to form a roof, until reaching 3 meters. The cocoa plant produces fruit continuously , but in general each plant gives two harvests, one before and one after the rainy season. From the flower to the ripening of the pod , which is the fruit, it takes about 6 months. The life of a plant is about 25 years and it is not a plant suitable for intensive cultivation.

Where cocoa is grown

Cacao is a tropical tree whose natural habitat is in the lower layer of the rainforest . All species of cocoa need regions where the temperature and humidity are high, rainfall is heavy and shade is dense. The plant grows only below 1000 m altitude, on slightly acidic and humid, but well-drained soils. It therefore finds its favorable habitat in tropical forests , where it finds a constant climate all year round, with abundant rainfall well distributed throughout the year.

History of Cocoa

The first evidence of a rudimentary production of chocolate dates back to 1800 BC in the areas of Central America in today's Mexico. The history of the Maya is also closely linked to cocoa, they were probably the first to cultivate the plants. Cocoa was also very important from an economic point of view, with the development of the Toltec and Aztec civilizations, cocoa beans were also used as currency. The first to know about it was Christopher Columbus in 1502, when the Aztec leader offered hospitality and cocoa beans, the country's currency, to the whites who came from far away. It later arrived in Europe and is still appreciated throughout the world. Today cocoa beans are a commodity , therefore a primary product that constitutes a fundamental object of international exchange, with a unique global value.

Taste and texture

Cocoa can be found in the form of beans, nibs or powder. Cocoa powder is a fine, scented, deep brown powder. Cocoa aromas can be countless and must be intense and persistent. When touched (touch means the tactile sensations perceived by our tongue when in contact with cocoa) we must recognize the fineness and roundness of cocoa, while astringency, or the sensation of decreased salivation, must be almost absent.

How to take cocoa?

Organic cocoa powder is considered one of the best ways to integrate this precious food into your diet. Cocoa powder can be added as an ingredient in your sweet recipes, cake dough, cookies ... but being soluble also in smoothies, drinks and milk.

Recipes with cocoa

Cocoa powder can be taken in the following ways:

  • in yogurt or milk
  • Muffin and tart dough
  • chocolate shake or as a decoration for cakes or cappuccino
  • as an ingredient for homemade cakes and desserts
  • in pastry making, in the preparation of biscuits, creams and mousses
  • in smoothies and drinks
  • in oat porridge, cereals or muesli

We at NaturaleBio sell and market Organic Cocoa Powder, Beans and Nibs.

How is cocoa processed from raw beans?

Harvesting. Harvesting and processing is almost entirely done manually.

Fermentation. The beans are completely covered with a white, gelatinous substance, which triggers the fermentation process and can last from 5 to 7 days.

Lifting. During fermentation the beans are moved every day with special shovels, this is still done manually.

Drying. Cocoa beans are dried in the sun, at low temperatures to immediately stop the fermentation process.

Grinding and Pressing. The beans are crushed into nibs and then ground into “cocoa paste” which is then pressed to separate the cocoa butter.

Grinding. This is used to further reduce the granulometry of the powder until it becomes very fine, and then it is sieved.

100% Organic

Our cocoa powder is 100% pure and organic, produced exclusively in Peru on organic plantations and approved by the Control Body of the Ministry of Agricultural Policies.

Our cocoa comes from Peru, a South American country among the first in the world for the quality of its cocoa and for its thousand-year-old tradition.

At NaturaleBio we pay particular attention in selecting all our organic products.

Organic cocoa powder is considered one of the best ways to integrate this precious food into your diet.

Recipes with Cocoa Powder

  • Hot Chocolate

    Preparation time: ~10 min

    A must in the winter seasons and children go crazy for it, to prepare it at home you need a few simple ingredients.

    • 5 tablespoons of NaturalBio cocoa
    • 2 tablespoons flour
    • 4 tablespoons of sugar
    • 500ml of milk

    Pour the cocoa and sifted flour together with the sugar into a saucepan. Start pouring the milk little by little, mixing well with the help of a whisk. Once you have achieved a smooth mixture without lumps, place the saucepan on a low flame. Wait for it to boil and, stirring constantly, let it thicken well. Remove from the heat and serve hot in a cup, garnishing it as desired.

  • Banana and Cocoa Smoothie

    Preparation time: ~7 min

    A nutritious and light drink to enjoy whenever you want... this version is banana but you can choose the fruit you like best!

    • 1 ripe banana
    • 250ml soy milk (fresh from the fridge or at room temperature)
    • 1 teaspoon of NaturaleBio cocoa powder
    • 1 teaspoon raw cane sugar (optional)

    Peel the banana, cut it into pieces and put it in the beaker of the immersion blender. Add the soy milk to the banana and blend everything with the immersion blender until you obtain a smooth smoothie, mixing the soy milk with the banana well. Add the teaspoon of bitter cocoa and mix well to dissolve it. Once you have the banana and cocoa smoothie, add the teaspoon of sugar and mix well. Transfer the drink to a glass, add the straws and enjoy!

  • Soft Cocoa Cake

    Preparation time: ~45 min

    Ideal for breakfast or as a tasty snack.

    • 200g of 00 flour, 60g of NaturaleBio cocoa powder
    • 180g sugar
    • 2 eggs
    • 100ml of NaturalBio Coconut Oil
    • 200ml whole milk
    • 1 sachet of baking powder Icing sugar for decorating

    Pour the eggs into a bowl, add the coconut oil and whole milk and start mixing with the help of a kitchen whisk. Add the flour, sugar, cocoa and yeast and continue mixing. Once you have achieved a homogeneous mixture, put it in a 24 cm diameter pan. Finally, bake in a static oven at 180 ° for 30-35 minutes (test with a toothpick to check if it is cooked). Dust the cake with icing sugar and serve!

  • Cocoa Shortcrust Pastry

    Preparation time: ~45 min

    A variation on the usual shortcrust pastry, which you can use as a base for tarts and cakes or for fragrant biscuits.

    • 300g of 00 flour
    • 30g of NaturalBio Cocoa Powder
    • 150g butter
    • 130g icing sugar
    • 3 Egg yolks

    Put the sifted flour and the cold butter cut into cubes in a mixer and blend everything until you get a floury mixture. Put the mixture on a surface and make the classic fountain in the center and pour in the sifted cocoa, the icing sugar and the egg yolks. Knead the ingredients well (you can also use the planetary mixer) until you get a soft and elastic dough. Wrap it in cling film and let it rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

  • Two-tone donut

    Preparation time: ~60 min

    • 300g of 00 flour
    • 200g of sugar
    • 150g of butter
    • 170g of milk
    • 4 Eggs
    • 1 Vanilla pod
    • 1 pinch of salt, 8g of baking powder
    • For the light dough: 50g of flour
    • For the dark dough: 10g of NaturaleBio cocoa powder

    Add butter in cubes, sugar and a pinch of salt and mix with the whisk. Add the vanilla seeds and mix. Beat the eggs and then pour them into the mixture while continuing to mix. Add the sifted flour and yeast and once combined add the milk. Once you have obtained a homogeneous mixture, divide the dough into two bowls (700 g in one and the remaining 300 g in the other). In the bowl of dough with the 700 g add 50 g of sifted flour, in the other add 30 g of sifted cocoa powder and mix. Pour the two mixtures alternately into the buttered and floured mold. Bake in a static oven preheated to 170 ° for about 50 minutes. Remove from the oven, let it cool and serve.

  • Creamy Pistachio

    Preparation time: ~60 min

    • 250ml of fresh cream
    • 80g of condensed milk
    • 55g of pistachio paste
    • 2g of gelatin sheets
    • 50g of flour
    • 40g of brown sugar
    • 30g of Butter
    • 20g of Cocoa powder
    • 1 pinch of salt

    Soak the gelatin in water for 5-10 minutes. Pour the fresh cream into a saucepan and put on the stove. Turn off the heat, squeeze the gelatin sheets and add them to the cream, stirring. Add the condensed milk and stir. Add the pistachio paste, a pinch of salt and blend everything. Put the mixture into the glasses and let it rest in the fridge for 3 hours. Preparation of the crumble: Pour the sifted flour and cocoa into a bowl. Add the sugar, a pinch of salt and the butter cut into cubes. Work the dough with your hands, creating crumbs. Place the cocoa crumble on a baking tray with baking paper and bake in the oven at 180° for 20 minutes, until they are crunchy. Take the cream out of the fridge and garnish it with the cocoa crumble!

Customer Reviews

Based on 138 reviews

Ho ordinato un kg di cacao amaro in polvere: essendo la prima volta che provo questo tipo di ingrediente sfortunatamente non ho alcun parametro di confronto in merito alla qualità del cacao in sé. Per come l'utilizzo io, mi sembra comunque particolarmente buona.
Posso tuttavia essere molto soddisfatto circa i tempi di consegna avendo effettuato l'ordine un lunedì sera ed essendomi stato consegnato la mattina del giorno seguente.
In generale consiglio il prodotto e reputo affidabile il sito

Paolo Patrucco
Uno dei piu' venduti

Un motivo c'e' se questo cacao e' uno dei piu' venduti, e' crudo, biologico, non sa di bruciato oppure troppo amaro,lo trovo gradevole al palato, prezzo contenuto. Tempi per il ricevimento del pacco ragionevole, il venditore si e' dimostrato affidabile.

Sig. Pasquale Dinolfo
Acquisto Cacao amaro bio.

Valutazione positiva in tutto.
Tornerò a comprare presso il Vosro negozio. Puntualità è stata ottima, come pure il prezzo e la spedizione gratuita che rende molto conveniente l'acquisto.

Danilo F.
Ottimo cacao !

Cacao in polvere da fave di cacao crude, non tostate , lavorato a bassa temperatura.. Non alcalinizzato !
Manca solo la varietà Criollo..
In ogni caso, cacao buonissimo che mantiene tutte le sue proprietà nutritive !
Grazie NaturaleBio !!

Cocoa tastes excellent

This cocoa tastes delicious and there is no need to add sugar, which is very important to us. We take 2 teaspoons per cup. It has an intense cocoa flavor, but not bitter. We now drink cocoa every day because it tastes wonderful. A super product!