Water sports, have fun and stay fit in summer!
In the summer we feel ready to try new things and the desire to be outdoors is greater. So, let's go for fun sports and outdoor activities linked to the summer setting par excellence... the sea!
Or even the lake, as long as they can be practiced water sports . Water is an incredible natural support, a perfect support even for those who are advanced in age or have joint or back problems. This is why, for example, swimming is recommended by many physiotherapists even during the recovery phase from injuries.
But if swimming itself doesn't appeal to you, or if you think that the running on the beach is not very imaginative, there are many other water sports that you can try this summer, to keep fit and spend time training with your partner or holiday companions.
Water Sports: 7 Easy and Fun Activities
- Stand-up Paddle , one of the most popular sports of the moment. You need a board similar to a surfboard and an oar... as well as a lot of balance! The activity consists of remaining standing on the board while you push yourself with the oar and proceed in a straight line, generally parallel to the coast. Obviously you need relatively shallow and very calm water. For beginners, you can start kneeling on the board, to get used to the roll!
- Snorkeling , a simple and fascinating way to discover the underwater wonders. All you need is a good mask with snorkel and, optionally, some fins to give yourself more thrust. You swim floating slowly on the surface of the water, observing the seabed. And you don't necessarily need to go to the other side of the world, there are places in Italy or Greece that have truly beautiful marine life to "peek at", including silver fish, starfish, sea urchins and much more!
- Kitesurfing , a little more complex and for the more “daredevils”, kitesurfing consists of a sail (in English “kite” literally means “kite”) that is maneuvered to be transported by the wind, aboard a surfboard. Very popular on beaches and windswept coasts.
- Aqua jogging , also called pool running, is known as a rehabilitation method and practiced indoors, in the pool. However, it can also be adapted to the sea, just find a regular seabed and still, calm, medium-deep water. Running in water, even on the spot, is really tiring but effective!
- Kayak , much loved both on the sea coast and in mountain lakes, the kayak is a small vessel similar to a canoe, easy to handle and light, which allows you to see splendid places… while strengthening and training your arms and back a lot.
- Shallow water walking , perfect as a gentle workout, really for everyone. Walking on the shoreline is typical of our coasts, but just having water up to your ankles or calves is enough to increase the level of "fatigue". A wonderful activity to do at the same time is cleaning the beach: just arm yourself with a glove and a bag to do good for the environment!
- Playing ball in the water , admit it, is also enjoyed by adults, not just children. And in addition to being fun, it burns calories and increases proprioception, that is, the ability to move effectively on uneven terrain such as the seabed and to perceive one's body in space.
Pros and Cons of Water Sports
The pro is, in fact, the fact of being able to benefit from the action of water, for a gentle but effective workout at the same time. You burn more heat, therefore, than with the same exercises done out of the water!
Not only that, water with its natural massage not only supports muscle tone but also the beauty of the skin, more drained and with better circulation, to help even small blemishes such as cellulite. A real natural lymphatic drainage , enriched by mineral salts present especially in the sea.
The cons are linked exclusively to the fact that you need to be very careful: if you are not an expert swimmer, but even if you are, never put yourself in dangerous situations .
Stay in shallow water, do not venture into lakes or rivers that are not suitable for swimming, do not enter the sea if there is wind and high waves, always ask the beach safety officer for advice if you have any doubts.
Furthermore, you also need to take the best care of your diet: training outdoors, perhaps on hot days, means having to reintegrate liquids, minerals and vitamins through the most correct foods and the right diet. natural integration .