What is the SIRT diet and how does it work?
The SIRT diet was created by two nutritionists and biologists from the United Kingdom, Aidan Goggins and Glen Matten. It is based on the sirtuins , protein compounds with enzymatic activity, contained in some specific foods, that the body uses in a positive way. Sirtuins would integrate with the metabolism and even with the genetic memory of the body, for this reason it is also called "skinny gene diet".
In fact, it seems that the sirtuins have a natural anti-inflammatory action on tissues and help combat cellular aging.
SIRT, therefore, favours the assumption of these bioactive and functional substances , contained in some foods (about twenty of them have been mapped), often combined with antioxidants, but not only.
It is a very aggressive diet, at least in its initial phase, which involves introducing about 1000 calories for 3 days, then continuing for another 12 days at about 1500 calories, for a total of 15 days of "shock" treatment strongly hypocaloric. It must therefore be carefully evaluated and agreed only in cases of real need and with an expert nutritionist.
What Foods to Eat While on the SIRT Diet
In the first 3 days, it is expected that you will consume 4 meals a day, of which 3 are liquid – mainly vegetable juices – and only one solid.
Then, for another 4 days, meals become 2 liquids and 2 solids. In the last week of treatment, you go to 5 meals in total, 3 solids and 2 liquids.

Being the sirtuins of proteins, it is essentially a protein diet . Light animal proteins such as chicken and eggs are recommended, accompanied by good quantities of fresh vegetables such as celery, rocket and cabbage. Very few condiments, basically only olive oil, spices such as turmeric and chilli are ok. Among drinks, green light to green tea rich in antioxidants .
Among the cereals, only buckwheat is allowed. No sugar or excesses, except half a glass of red wine rich in polyphenols, every now and then. A very limited variety of foods, then.
Pros and cons of this diet
The premise is that there are still no scientific studies certain of the healthiness of this diet: be careful, therefore, it is really low in calories and could generate imbalances and even serious problems.
As always, NO to DIY, yes to consulting a specialist who will evaluate the general clinical picture and the real need for weight loss.
In fact, it can generate a yo-yo effect, a lack of fundamental nutrients and even strongly negative psychological dynamics, which can lead to eating disorders.
An active lifestyle, with a tasty, varied and balanced diet, lots of sport and fun, is always the best way to live healthily!
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