Seasonal Change in Spring: Supplements Against Fatigue
The transition to winter is always talked about as being difficult for health due to the cold, but also the change of seasons in spring It can be tricky.
This is because every change in temperature and brightness It has a strong impact on our body, our energy levels and yes, even our mood. How can we counteract the negative effects and make the most of all the beauty that spring has to offer?
Why do we feel agitated or exhausted with the change of seasons in spring?
Environmental conditions, such as the amount of light present throughout the day and temperature fluctuations, can affect our bodies.
Even though temperatures are rising during spring, the sudden changes from morning cold to afternoon heat can cause imbalances and discomfort. Not only that, but even the greater amount of light, in itself a positive fact, can interfere with the production of serotonin – a neurotransmitter that manages the feeling of well-being – and melatonin , important for sleep.
It happens, therefore, that some people feel excessively agitated, while others tired and exhausted , the former due to anxiety caused by a lower production of serotonin, the latter due to poor rest caused by little melatonin.
Of course, these are just some of the causes, there are many interactions between the seasonal passages and human biology, with further completely personal facets, given by the organism and character of each individual. What to feel better?
Nutrition, exercise and a good night's sleep they are, as always, the most natural and effective remedies.
Superfoods that boost energy in spring
It happens, however, that the appetite disappears with the first warm weather or that the increased need for micronutrients is not satisfied by normal nutrition. In these cases, a natural supplement based on superfood powders It could be a really good idea!

The Cocoa powder , for example, has a high content of mineral salts, such as magnesium, which also help you rest better.
Then, for all those who feel exhausted and under the weather, there are some truly energizing natural products, such as moringa powder or the Peruvian maca root , an ancient tonic-adaptogen remedy, capable of improving the body's response to stress, fatigue and tiredness.