Ghiaccioli al matcha per una pausa rinfrescante

Matcha Ice Pops for a Refreshing Break

Do you know how the ice cubes were born? popsicle were born “by chance” in 1905 when eleven-year-old Frank Epperson forgot, on the porch of his house in San Francisco, a glass of water and soda with a stick inside that he had used to stir the drink. During the night, the cold temperatures caused the drink to freeze… and that's how the popsicle was born more than a hundred years ago!

A fresh and delicious dessert that can have many different flavors and is easy to make even at home.

To prepare ice lollies, fruit is usually used, the one you like the most: orange, strawberry, black cherry are the most popular flavours, but also mint and tea... so why not use the Matcha green tea ?

Matcha ice pops are an original alternative that combines the freshness of this tasty dessert with the energy of Matcha.

To make this recipe you will only need a few simple ingredients and some practical ice lolly molds that are easily found in home improvement stores or online.

Matcha Ice Pops: The Recipe

A tasty snack that can refresh, quench your thirst and at the same time give you benefits to the body: in fact, Matcha tea is a concentrate of antioxidants and micronutrients.


  • 200 ml of coconut vegetable drink
  • 2 teaspoons of Matcha Culinary or Premium NaturaleBio green tea
  • 200 ml of water
  • 50 g of brown sugar


First, dissolve the matcha green tea in a small amount of water, being careful not to form lumps.

Add the remaining water, mixing carefully.

Then add the sugar and mix until it dissolves well.

At this point, add the coconut milk and blend until you get a smooth mixture that will then be poured into the appropriate ice lolly molds, with a stick "skewered" for each one.

Finally, place in the freezer and freeze for 10 hours before serving.

Some tips

For those who don't like coconut, you can use any other plant-based drink: almond, rice or oat or, for a creamier effect, you can use yogurt.

You can replace the brown sugar with a spoonful of maple syrup or manuka honey and, once your matcha popsicles are ready, you can garnish them however you like.

You can melt some dark chocolate and decorate the ice lollies with some cocoa nibs or pistachio, or add 1 tablespoon of Chia seeds and a few mint leaves directly into the mixture to be frozen (in this case the mixture should be left to rest for 30 minutes before placing it in the freezer).

Matcha ice pops lend themselves to the most varied and creative combinations, so all that's left to do is prepare them and enjoy your refreshing break!

Which matcha to choose for this recipe?

In this case the ideal grade will be a matcha type Premium , excellent for preparing drinks with an energetic flavour, such as the very famous Matcha Latte .

You can also use a matcha Culinary in this case the aroma will be slightly less intense, perfect for those who prefer a more delicate taste.

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