Allenamento di coppia, più motivazione insieme al partner

Couple training, more motivation together with your partner

As much as you may be passionate about a sport, sometimes it is inevitable to get a little lazy. In these cases, training as a couple can be really useful to find motivation and convince yourself to get moving!

That you love the running or it yoga , weight training , Nordic walking or the padel , playing sports with your partner can be really fun and motivating.

The Pros of Couples Training

You are preparing for a half marathon, the training sessions are precise and precisely timed to increase performance and "put kilometers in your legs" in the right way. But outside it is very very hot or it is cold and there is fog, or it is a period of tiring work and we do not feel in top form ... what to do?

Apart from integrating the diet with natural superfoods that can give you energy, having your loved one next to you as a companion on your sporting adventures is an excellent solution.

Couple training has several benefits:

  • Yes it keeps motivation high , both because you encourage each other not to give up, and because it often generates positive competition between partners that leads to trying to outdo each other and do better than the other;
  • We spend a lot of time together , because free time during training is optimised by being able to chat and compare notes;
  • Mood and physical fitness improve hand in hand in the couple , who will have similar progress and will be encouraged to continue, making training a good daily practice that will become a healthy lifestyle for the whole family.

Some cons of training with your partner

If you've already turned up your nose just by reading the title of this article, then you already know what we're about to write: there are also cons to couple training.

Paradoxically they are linked precisely to the pros mentioned above, if exaggerated and not lived well. Let's see how:

  • If the competition that arises between members of the couple is not positive but becomes obsessive and too competitive, it could create imbalances, arguments and frustrations;
  • Spending a lot of time together can be good… but also not! Having different sports passions and hobbies can sometimes be better, because each person has their own individual outlet and maintains their own personal space;
  • If the progress and abilities in a sport are too different, the less skilled person may feel inadequate and the much better one in the discipline may instead no longer receive stimulation. At that point, it is better to separate (sports-wise) and dedicate yourself to something else!
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