The Dukan Diet: History of a highly controversial method
The Dukan diet has risen to prominence in recent years thanks to the British Royal Family: it seems that Kate Middleton tried it before her wedding, to lose two sizes in view of the ceremony.
This diet was developed by Pierre Dukan , French nutritionist and a very controversial figure. Consider that in 2012 he himself asked to be expelled from the French Medical Association following some criticism from colleagues on his methods and basic concepts.
As always, we want to inform you about the many existing diets, precisely to provide you with some more information and tools to evaluate them, before embarking on potentially harmful "do-it-yourself" diets.
Dukan Diet: Basic Concepts and Foods
We have already talked about protein diet and of the ketogenic , so trendy today. The Dukan can always be placed in this context, that of low carb diets very aggressive.
It is based on 4 phases, two of "attack" and two of consolidation, and on a limited range of permitted foods, almost all purely protein and mainly of animal origin .
Almost zero carbohydrates and fibre , because very few vegetables are allowed and cereals – such as oat bran – should be consumed in truly negligible doses, a teaspoon a day.
Also very little fat: vinegar and lemon juice would be preferred condiments over olive oil.

Now, you might imagine that losing weight by eating only protein for several days is also inevitable and “effective”… but at what cost?
Speaking of prices, the French nutritionist has also been accused by the scientific community of having created branded foods, which are not even that cheap.
Why it could be dangerous in the long run
It is a highly unbalanced and unbalanced diet, it does not provide the macronutrients or micronutrients necessary for the body to function at its best.
Cutting out carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals completely is really risky and counterproductive.
Regarding physical activity, Dukan himself recommended no more than 20-25 minutes a day, even just walking, which in itself is also good… but in this case, it was due to the fact that you probably won't have enough energy to do anything else!
Even more so, this diet is contraindicated during pregnancy or in anyone with previous pathologies. Always seek advice from a trusted nutritionist and do not rely on pre-packaged menus and simplistic concepts obtained from the Internet!