Olio di Cocco per capelli ricci: il segreto per ricci morbidi e definiti

Coconut Oil for Curly Hair: The Secret to Soft and Defined Curls

Coconut oil is truly a versatile product for hair. It can be used as a conditioner, hair mask, or pre-shampoo treatment. Today, we discover how to use coconut oil for curly hair.

Due to its chemical composition, coconut oil can deeply nourish the hair, leaving it soft, shiny, and visibly healthier.

Those with wonderful curly hair know how much care and attention are needed, even for a simple wash. Many use coconut oil for the care and definition of their curls. Let's see in detail all the steps for the correct use of this oil on curly hair.

How to Apply Coconut Oil to Curly Hair?

A step-by-step guide on how to apply coconut oil to curly hair:

  1. Rinse your hair with water and comb it carefully. It is advisable to apply coconut oil to well-combed hair to spread it evenly. Curly hair is usually combed when wet, hence the need for the first rinse. If you have no problems combing your hair dry, you can skip this part and go straight to the next step.

  2. Apply the coconut oil and comb it to spread it evenly over all the hair. Below 23°C it appears solid, but just warm it between your hands to melt it. Do not use a large amount; only use more on the ends if your hair is dry and frizzy.

  3. Leave the coconut oil on for about half an hour, wrapping your hair in a small towel.

  4. Wash your hair thoroughly and pat it dry with a towel.

  5. Comb your hair with a brush and then with your fingers, upside down, from bottom to top.

  6. Apply mousse or your favorite product, continuing to comb with your fingers from bottom to top. People with curly hair generally use a product to define curls.

  7. Dry, always upside down, with a diffuser, avoiding too much movement of the hair. If possible, wash your hair in the evening so that the curly hair has time to relax and define itself overnight (excess mousse/product is eliminated, and the hair remains soft). The next day, your hair will be softer and shinier.

Recommended products

  • Coconut Oil

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