How to take Manuka Honey: Helpful Tips and Recipes
Being a precious and truly good food, it is important to understand How to take Manuka honey in your daily diet.
This article contains some small tips for introducing this extraordinary honey into your diet, improving health and enhancing the taste of drinks and recipes.
Let's recap together…
What is Manuka Honey?
Manuka honey is a very precious honey produced in New Zealand because it is born and raised there the Manuka plant.
And it is in the heart of these endless Manuka valleys that beekeepers place their hives.
From this plant an extraordinary product is obtained, a powerful honey which owes its Methylglyoxal its antimicrobial effect capable of supporting our immune system and making us stronger.
What is Methylglyoxal?
For almost twenty years now, At the University of Waikato , an attempt is being made to identify the unknown mysterious factor capable of determining the big difference between common honeys and active Manuka Honey.
A team of German food chemists from Dresden University of Technology they managed to identify in the Methylglyoxal the active ingredient which was previously called UMF (Unique Manuka Factor, Unique Manuka Factor )
Methylglyoxal is the active ingredient found in Manuka honey responsible for its antibacterial capacity and which differentiates it from any other honey in the world.
To this day it is still the subject of numerous studies and it is still unclear what factors induce the manuka plant to produce this extraordinary substance.
But today it is possible to determine the exact percentage in a given amount of manuka honey, and this differentiates the honey into various grades.
Taste and Texture
Manuka honey It has a very different flavor and consistency from most common honeys which we frequently find on the market.
His The consistency is very dense and creamy, with a yellow/orange colour. and dissolves more slowly in hot drinks.
His the aroma is intense and the flavour is strong and decisive, but still unmistakably Sweet .
Manuka honeys that look, feel and taste very similar can, in reality, be very different.
High levels of methylglyoxal NOT are detectable on the basis of taste, for this purpose it is necessary to refer to the gradation reported on the label, but it's always chemical analysis required carried out in accredited laboratories.
Manuka honey how to take it daily?
Unless you plan to use it as a natural remedy for the treatment of some disorders, daily intake helps in any case prevention.
TO preventive purposes the Manuka Honey MG100+ it will be fine.
While a honey with a higher gradation is necessary in case of disorders for which a greater efficacy is required.
Manuka honey is really sweet and tasty and can be safely ingested pure .
In case you don't like its intense flavour, but you still want to take advantage of all its properties, here are some tips on How to take Manuka honey.
On toast or bread
In the morning, for breakfast, spread a teaspoon of Manuka honey on rusks or toasted bread.
In drinks or smoothies
Add a teaspoon of Manuka honey to add a “magical” touch to fresh fruit smoothies or detox drinks like water, lemon, ginger and manuka honey.
In tea or herbal teas
Instead of sugar, to sweeten, you can use a teaspoon of Manuka honey , will give the drink an unmistakable taste.
How to take Manuka Honey as a seasoning on your dishes?
Some more tips on how to take manuka honey as an ingredient in savory dishes.
Being a honey with a very strong and decisive flavour, it lends itself very well to accompany richly flavoured dishes.
A perfect match it is the one with salmon or similar fatty fish, in recipes based on vegetables, legume and cereal salads, but also with meats with a more delicate flavour such as chicken or turkey.
In meat and fish dishes
If mixed together with a little olive oil it becomes the perfect seasoning for seared salmon or sautéed chicken pieces with fresh vegetables.
In Salads
To give a touch of freshness to salads Manuka honey is ideal emulsified with olive oil and lemon!