Olio di Cocco per denti: oil pulling un toccasana per l’igiene orale

Oil Pulling Benefits: Coconut Oil for Healthier Teeth

Coconut oil can be very effective for oral hygiene as well. It's truly a product with multiple uses, capable, thanks to its numerous beneficial properties, of improving overall health. Coconut oil, being a natural and pure product, could replace numerous products, often ineffective or rich in chemicals, such as toothpaste or mouthwashes.

In this article, we will discover how coconut oil can be used to improve oral cavity health through the simple practice of coconut oil pulling teeth. The oil pulling benefits are numerous, including coconut oil teeth whitening. Utilizing coconut oil for teeth can enhance your oral hygiene routine effectively.

What is Oil Pulling?

Firstly, let's clarify what Oil Pulling is; it's oral rinsing performed with simple vegetable oil.

Traditionally, sesame or sunflower oil was used, however, according to some studies, excellent results are achieved especially with coconut oil.

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice. In fact, Ayurvedic medicine, which dates back 5,000-10,000 years, is widely considered the oldest form of healthcare worldwide. It originated in India and still influences many countries today.

Origins of Oil Pulling

To understand how Oil Pulling works, we must know the fundamental principles of Ayurvedic medicine, which derives from two Sanskrit words: AYUS, meaning Life/Longevity, and VEDA, meaning Knowledge/Science.

It is mentioned for the first time in the Ayurvedic text of Charaka Samhita where it is called Kavala Gandoosha or Kavala Graha.

Oil Pulling is an ancient remedy that uses natural substances, in this case, oil, to clean and detoxify teeth and gums.

It makes teeth whiter, and studies suggest it is effective in treating gums and removing harmful bacteria.

What type of oil to use for Oil Pulling? 

Traditionally, sesame or sunflower oil was used for oil pulling, but coconut oil can also be used.

Coconut oil has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, which would make it effective against Streptococcus Mutans bacteria that cause cavities.

"Coconut oil pulling" can be effective in removing plaque and making teeth whiter.

The coconut oil used must be 100% organic and pure, cold-pressed, and of high quality.

Benefits of Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil

Oil Pulling is a safe and cost-effective method to achieve stronger, healthier, and whiter teeth and improve oral hygiene.

Coconut oil should be held in the mouth like mouthwash for 20 minutes every day, and this practice would help improve the health of our oral cavity.

The most obvious result of Oil Pulling is the improvement in dental health.

Coconut oil for teeth represents an effective method to make teeth whiter, gums rosier and healthier, and breath fresher.

What is the connection between oral health and general health? The state of oral health can provide many clues about our health.

Oral and general health are more connected than one might think.

Inside the oral cavity, bacteria are generally found.

Usually, these bacteria can be kept under control with proper oral hygiene, such as daily brushing of teeth and the use of dental floss.

Furthermore, saliva constitutes a fundamental defense against bacteria and viruses. In fact, it contains enzymes that destroy bacteria in different ways.

But harmful bacteria can sometimes grow out of control and lead to periodontitis, a severe gum infection.

When the gums are healthy, the bacteria in the mouth usually do not enter the bloodstream.

However, periodontal disease can provide bacteria with a gateway to the bloodstream.

Sometimes even invasive dental treatments can allow bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

Medications or treatments that reduce salivation can influence the balance of the bacterial flora in the mouth, making it easier for bacteria to enter the bloodstream.

This relationship between oral health and general health provides one more reason to take care of our mouth.

It is known that proper oral hygiene can improve our health, but certainly, Oil Pulling should not be relied upon to address any serious medical issues, but it can be useful in maintaining a healthy mouth and avoiding bad breath.

How does Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil work?

Coconut oil for teeth works as a natural cleanser for oral health.

It removes microorganisms and toxins that cause oral diseases and could lead to health problems.

From the intense movement of the oil in the oral cavity, the effect of this healing process develops.

The microbiota present in our mouth tends to attach to the roots of the teeth. The teeth and their roots extend deep into the jawbone and its cavities.

Microbiota enter through dental collars, and in these cavities, they find a warm, humid, and poorly vascularized environment, ideal conditions to settle and proliferate.

This phenomenon develops the so-called "dental foci."

When the immune system is weak, the pack multiplies and proliferates.

So, not only do they damage the teeth themselves, but they also affect metabolism and the immune system.

The movement of coconut oil in oil pulling causes intense blood perfusion in the mucosa and tissues, but above all, the oil absorbs toxins from dental collars and gums and removes them from the body.

How to do Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil?

Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. On an empty stomach and before consuming liquids, pour a tablespoon of coconut oil for teeth into your mouth.

  2. You must hold it in your mouth as if it were mouthwash and without swallowing. Move it inside the mouth and between the teeth, without tilting your head backward to gargle.

As the coconut oil's consistency changes and becomes more watery while mixing with saliva, the movements should be slow and relaxed; one should not tire oneself.

Continue for 20 minutes. If it becomes unpleasant or there is a need to swallow, spit it out and try again with another tablespoon of coconut oil.

Initially, it may be unpleasant when not accustomed, but soon it will no longer be bothersome and will feel as natural as brushing teeth.

When the oil is saturated with toxins, it will take on a whitish color and a milky consistency; this will indicate the completion of the process.

Do not pay attention to the consistency or color of the coconut oil to determine the end of the process; this change may occur even before the 20 minutes set for oil pulling.

But if after 20 minutes the coconut oil has not taken on a milky consistency and whitish color, the process is not yet complete.

  1. Spit out the oil and rinse your mouth with warm saline water (just use table salt).

Salting the water is not necessary, but it is useful to increase the antimicrobial effect and soothe any inflammations.

Important: DO NOT swallow; the oil must be discarded because it has absorbed all the toxins and harmful bacteria from our mouth. In any case, if inadvertently ingested, there is no need to worry.

When to do Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil? 

The best time to use coconut oil for teeth is in the morning on an empty stomach, before breakfast.

If it is not possible to do it in the morning, it can be done at any time of the day but still preferably on an empty stomach, about 3-4 hours after meals.

To speed up the healing process, it can be repeated up to three times a day, but always before meals on an empty stomach.

It can be done every day or several times a week, as preferred.

Why on an empty stomach? First of all, because when you start practicing oil pulling, you might feel a bit nauseous if you're not used to it, and having a full stomach could increase this unpleasant sensation.

Eating something light won't be a problem, but it would be preferable to do it as the first thing upon waking up.

After practicing oil pulling and rinsing your mouth, there is no need for any waiting time to eat or drink.

Who can practice Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil? 

Anyone over the age of 5 can practice Oil Pulling. Children should be instructed not to swallow the oil during Oil Pulling.

For children, a teaspoon of coconut oil (about 5 ml) is sufficient.

Anyone with dentures must remove them before practicing oil pulling.

Oil Pulling can also be done during pregnancy.

What is the right amount of coconut oil for Oil Pulling? 

The amount of coconut oil to be used is about 10 ml (approximately 1 tablespoon).

If a larger amount of coconut oil is used, it will also require more time inside your mouth for the coconut oil to lose its oily consistency and become more watery.

Should teeth be brushed before Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil? 

No, there is no need to do it before, but it should be done after practicing oil pulling and after rinsing the mouth with warm salt water.

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  • Coconut Oil

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