The Benefits of Running: Why Running Makes You Feel Good
Those who follow a healthy lifestyle know that nutrition is fundamental: Eating well , in a varied and balanced way, is the basis for staying healthy, remembering that some nutritional deficiencies can be compensated for with natural supplements and organic superfoods .
Physical activity , for its part, is complementary to eating well and is absolutely essential for the well-being of the body and mind. race It is a discipline accessible to everyone, which could also fascinate those who are absolute beginners beginner of sport. Let's discover all the benefits of running!
Starting to run: fast walking and some precautions
If you want to start running… good for you! It is important, however, not to start “in fourth gear”. Overdoing it at the beginning could be frustrating, because you cannot maintain the desired pace for too long, and even harmful, because the body is not used to the movement, and therefore you risk injuries and accidents.
Better to start with one fast walking , alternating with a few minutes of real running : posture, correct foot support and keeping shoulders and arms relaxed are very important details of running technique to avoid stiffness and post-workout pain.
The great thing about running is that you just have to very little equipment : the right shoes are the fundamental element, to be chosen based on your foot and the type of support. Apart from this, a simple technical outfit of t-shirt and shorts is enough, maybe a sweatshirt or a fleece vest if you run in winter, and you're done!
The benefits of running, why running is good for you
THE benefits of running there are many, if done well, progressively and without exaggerations or incorrect rhythm, posture and frequency. Train for half an hour at a medium pace for 2-3 times a week, mixing this cardio training with workouts dedicated to core stability – that is, strengthening the muscles of the central part of the body, the abdominals and the back – and stretching and lengthening sessions , it's a perfect mix to stay healthy for a long time.
We could say that among the beneficial effects, 4 they are really obvious:
- Being a resistance training, it helps and supports cardiovascular health;
- Breathing performance improves, over time you will have “more breath”, as they say in colloquial terms;
- The muscles of the back, buttocks and legs are strengthened, as well as the tendons and the entire musculoskeletal system;
- The immune system and metabolism get a real “boost” thanks to running.
All this, of course, always combined with a correct diet.
And the benefits are not just physical: running causes the body to produce endorphins and serotonin , substances released by the brain that generate a feeling of well-being, satisfaction and good mood !
Running is a moment for yourself, to be with your thoughts, challenge your limits, listen to your favorite playlist... or to spend time with a friend or a group of training partners!
What to eat before and after running training
Running is demanding for the whole body, that's why it's better not to eat a full or heavy meal just before going to train: it could compromise digestion. Better to wait until you have digested and digested properly before going out and dedicating yourself to running.
Yes, instead, to one light pre-running snack : one A cup of matcha green tea , for example, accompanied by a handful of nuts or other dried fruit, gives energy without weighing you down.
During the race, it is essential to stay well hydrated , it is better to bring a water bottle or stop to drink from any fountains or refreshment points along your route. Only if you are facing really long distances and strenuous training, related to the preparation of races, half marathons or even marathons, then it is good to integrate even during the race, with small doses of foods based on carbohydrates and fats that can provide energy with gradual release.
TO end of training , do not overdo it: the fact of having run or walked quickly, even for a long time, should not justify meals that are too abundant and unbalanced, otherwise the benefits obtained will be nullified. It is fine to rehydrate and consume a snack or a normal meal, perhaps adding those superfoods that can naturally replenish the micronutrients – especially minerals and vitamins – lost through sweat. Also needed are the proteins capable of nourishing tired muscles. A smoothie or shake with the addition of spirulina powder , in this sense, is an excellent post-run supplement.
Contraindications of running, what to pay attention to
As already mentioned, it is best not to overdo it and always start in a cautious, relaxed and progressive way.
Running with inappropriate shoes or with your arms and shoulders too stiff or with clenched fists can lead to soreness and contractures, if not actual injuries to muscles and joints.
Don't run during the hottest moments of the day in summer to avoid heat stroke, always stay hydrated and avoid wearing unsuitable clothes or clothes designed specifically to make you sweat more: it doesn't help with any weight loss and can generate negative consequences.
If you have any doubts about your health, before training always ask your doctor for advice or better still undergo a medical check-up. sports medical examination .
More info:
- https://www.garmin.com/it-IT/blog/tecnica-di-corsa/
- https://www.runnersworld.it/come-running-fa-bene-corpo-mente-cuore-muscoli-8611
- https://www.runnersworld.com/uk/training/beginners/a772727/how-to-start-running-today/
Spirulina Fruit Smoothie
Preparation time: ~5 min
- 200g of vegetable milk
- 1 teaspoon of NaturalBio Spirulina Powder
- 1 banana
- 1 apple
- 1 kiwi
Peel the fruit and chop it roughly. Pour all the ingredients into a blender and blend everything for 5 minutes. All you have to do is enjoy!!!