Staying Fit During the Holidays: Not a Diet, but a Lifestyle
The Holidays are a time of joy, for enjoy some time for yourself , to unplug from daily stress and also to spoil yourself with a few extra treats.
Precisely because one has the opportunity to take care of oneself more calmly, the idea of stay fit during the holidays It is very healthy and correct, and can be carried out without restrictions and without experiencing it as a punishment, on the contrary.
Healthy Holiday Recipes: Cook and Enjoy
First of all, especially during the holidays, let's say no to pre-cooked foods, extremely industrial products full of preservatives.
Cooking your own meals , starting from fresh and natural seasonal raw materials, perhaps integrating them into the recipes superfood rich in benefits that we love most, it is the best way to appreciate more what we put on our plate.
We need to focus on quality, not quantity: on the scent, on the colors we bring to the table, on the memories that some Christmas dishes bring to mind.
This is the best way to avoid overindulging: the Holidays should not be an excuse to eat excessively or in a disorderly way. Enjoying good home cooking and a few more desserts than usual is fine, without stress and without guilt, but overdoing it could lead to indigestion and stomach fatigue.
Staying Fit During the Holidays: Staying Active
However, controlling only the caloric intake is limiting: our body works like a perfect machine, which needs fuel to function and burns it to produce energy and carry out all daily activities.
During the holidays, therefore, don't stop training you are used to: whether it's yoga, weights, running or cycling, make the most of the time you have for yourself and give yourself the well-being given by a good training session.
Above all, never see it as a punishment or a way to burn calories – this is a necessary consequence but it should not be what drives you to work out.
On the contrary, doing sports is a real release of endorphins , which will make you feel in a good mood and satisfied with yourself, improving the health of the organism from many points of view.
And don't think that doing sports necessarily means engaging in a very high intensity activity: walking and strolling, even accompanied by your 4-legged friend, is a splendid exercise that can last a long time, does not strain your breath and joints too much, and helps your body and mind, supporting cardiovascular health.
EAT and NEAT Activities to Do on Vacation
Physical activity is divided, in fact, according to a typical categorization of the fitness world, into EAT and NEAT. Let's see what these two acronyms mean.
With the term EAT ( Exercise Activity Thermogenesis ) refers to the actual training, regardless of your favorite sport.
Today, with sports centers and gyms open in a fragmented way due to the necessary distancing, many disciplines can be recreated in your home environment: from the exercise bike at home to jogging in the park, from weight lifting in the basement transformed into a home gym to a father-versus-son squash match to be played on the outside wall of the house...
A simple walk with Fido, on the other hand, is one of those activities called in technical jargon NEAT ( Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis ), that is, daily activities that do not derive from a codified physical exercise, but which still allow you to activate thermogenesis and keep fit.
What are they? Basically anything that keeps you active every day: managing to complete the famous 8,000/10,000 steps a day, even just going to the grocery store or taking the stairs instead of the elevator to get to your floor, or cleaning, playing with your children, taking care of the plants and gardening in the yard.
Superfoods to help you stay fit during the holidays
Healthy meals, a little sport and staying active: this is the formula for feeling good during the holidays.
But it is possible to enhance its benefits thanks to the superfoods : maca And spirulina , for example, are energizing and support metabolic activity, that is, the body's ability to function at its best and transform food into energy.
The Manuka honey It is antibacterial and strengthens the immune system, psyllium contributes to gastrointestinal well-being, moringa it is rich in essential minerals, açai of precious antioxidants, as well as the matcha tea , and the raw cocoa It's good for your mood, with its micronutrients and delicious flavor!