Un nuovo inizio: i buoni propositi per l’autunno

A New Beginning: Good Resolutions for Autumn

Although formally the calendar wants the year to begin in January, for many it is the beginning of autumn that decrees the real entry into a new cycle. A new school year for the youngest, a busy period with new challenges for those who work, often struggling with the final rush before the Christmas holidays, and much more…

A new beginning , then: from mid-September to mid-October we inexorably let the memories of the holidays slip away, the summer clothes, the heat and the general “lighter” mental approach reserved for summer, and we find ourselves wanting to organize ourselves better, among so many tasks.

Which are your good intentions for autumn ? And how to live them well, making them an opportunity and not a chore?

Goal List, A Gradual New Beginning

The desire to change and renew oneself is great, but thinking of improving oneself and transforming oneself overnight… is impossible and frustrating. Better to think of doing many small steps and start implementing those small changes that can make everyday life more enjoyable.

Do a weekly list : What do I want to achieve this week? What can I ask of myself that is achievable?

Write down three, four, five fixed points, and then commit to making them happen: crossing a completed task off a to-do list is always a great satisfaction, and will push you to do more!

Any examples?

  • This week I want to eat vegetables every day
  • I want to look for the contacts of that old friend that I've been meaning to hear from for a long time
  • I want to go and ask at that dance gym how much the hip-hop course costs and sign up!
  • I want to dedicate 10 minutes every morning to meditation
  • I want to be able to train at least 3 times a week
  • I want to be kinder to others and stop talking back to my partner/parent/child
  • I want to book that trip I've been planning for a long time but never have the courage to organize
  • I want to dedicate more time to my children and my passions

And so on… little things that can do a lot, if from simple good intentions they become good daily habits.

The Power of Physical and Emotional Decluttering

We have already talked about the power of the decluttering : tidying up your home to tidy up your mind and heart.

This is definitely a great starting point for your autumn “fresh start”: the wardrobe change It will be a valid ally!

Clean out old, discarded clothes (donate them to a charity if they are in good condition, don't throw them away!) and, with them, cleanse your mind of bad feelings and memories: that dress you wore with your ex, that pair of jeans that no longer fit you and make you feel wrong, that wrong gift that made you doubt how little that friend knows you...

Make room for the new, in your drawers and in your heart.

And you can think about applying the principle of decluttering to many other areas: to your PC desktop, always too chaotic and full of icons, to your phone contact list, full of old numbers and people you haven't heard from in ages, to the connections you have on social media... stop following that page that only gives you bad advice!

The same thing can be applied to the home pantry: throw away old half-bottles of alcohol opened for last Christmas, avoid buying industrial products full of preservatives, and fill the fridge and cupboard with good and healthy foods, seasonal, organic , and maybe even some superfood of course it helps you get through the change of season!

YOLO, you only live once: ditch it!

And then there is another big change that you can plan and commit to making happen, work. If you have not been happy for too long, if getting up in the morning and going to companies weighs on you... think about it, 70% or more of your days are taken up by something that does not satisfy you.

According to the recent approach called by the New York Times “ YOLO economy ”, where YOLO stands for You Only Live Once – you only live once – it's better to take the plunge and take a risk than to get stuck in a life we ​​don't like, starting with our professional life.

And then, maybe, you could actually do that course to become a referee. padel , or go to the accountant to finally understand how to set up your own business, or even get your photography business off the ground that for now you consider a hobby... think about it, you only live once!

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