Proprietà del Miele di Manuka e tutte le sue applicazioni

Properties of Manuka Honey and all its applications

In this article we will discover the extraordinary Properties of Manuka Honey and all its fields of application.

Manuka Honey

Manuka honey comes from the Manuka plant which grows uncontaminated in New Zealand.

The Manuka plant offers the habitat suitable for numerous animal species , including bees that obtain an incredible honey from the nectar of this plant.

A honey with high concentrations of Methylglyoxal, responsible for its great antimicrobial effect which would be capable of strengthening our immune defenses and making us stronger.


For almost twenty years now, At the University of Waikato , an attempt is being made to identify the unknown mysterious factor capable of determining the big difference between common honeys and active Manuka Honey.

A team of German food chemists from Dresden University of Technology they managed to identify in the Methylglyoxal the active ingredient which was previously called UMF (Unique Manuka Factor, Unique Manuka Factor )

Methylglyoxal is the active ingredient found in Manuka honey responsible for its powerful antibacterial capacity and which differentiates it from any other honey in the world.

To this day it is still the subject of numerous studies and it is still unclear what factors induce the manuka plant to produce this extraordinary substance.

But today it is possible to determine the exact percentage in a given amount of manuka honey, and this differentiates the honey into various grades.

The properties of Manuka Honey

There are many clinics that use the Manuka honey as a medical device.

Today, it is increasingly clear that pathogens are developing strategies that have made them almost completely resistant to the medicinal substances used to fight them, such as antibiotics.

In Great Britain and Germany Manuka honey-based medical devices have been authorised.

Manuka honey is often used in the treatment of post-operative wounds or in case of burns.

In Berlin, Manuka honey is used in the treatment of “diabetic foot” promoting the cleaning of the wound and the formation of new blood vessels thanks to which the tissues are irrigated again.

Furthermore, Manuka honey is also very effective in treating some chronic disorders.

Manuka honey is truly a precious food especially for its antimicrobial properties.

How honey achieves these results is not yet fully understood, but not only does it have excellent antimicrobial properties, but it also appears that the bacteria are unable to develop resistance to honey.

Professor Liz Harry, of the University of Technology Sydney, credits Manuka honey with the ability to make even resistant bacteria sensitive to antibiotics.

In conclusion, manuka honey not only prevents the development of resistance, but it could also make already resistant bacteria sensitive to antibiotics again.

How to choose Manuka honey

It is already known that other varieties of honey can be used for therapeutic purposes, but Manuka honey certainly achieves extraordinary results.

This is certainly due to the presence in very significant percentages of Methylglyoxal, to which Manuka honey owes its powerful antimicrobial effect.

Very important is choosing the right level of concentration depending on the type of problem you want to treat.

Usually for external use a certain level of activity is sufficient MG100+.

For internal use Depending on the stretch you want to reach, you can choose from a variety MG200+, MG400+, MG500+ or the most powerful MG800+ .

Even during external therapy, taking Manuka honey seems to further strengthen its therapeutic efficacy.

Properties of Manuka Honey and all its Applications

External use

Thanks to the antibacterial and antifungal properties of manuka honey, it is also really effective in treatment of certain skin disorders.

Moreover, it is really effective in case of wounds and burns as it speeds up the healing processes, keeping the wound clean.

For external use, simply apply a layer of manuka honey on the area of ​​skin to be treated. The methods vary depending on the type of problem.

Internal use

Taking Manuka honey could be very effective in case of inflammation and infections, and can represent a healthy and natural alternative. in case of various ailments.

Choosing the right concentration of methylglyoxal in the treatment of these disorders is fundamental.

The deeper the honey has to go, the stronger it will have to be.

Manuka honey MG800+ is useful in case of stubborn and resistant infections, while MG100+ is used for preventive purposes or for external use.

For internal use, simply ingest pure Manuka honey; the methods vary depending on the disorder to be treated.

Use in cosmetics

Manuka honey can also be used in cosmetic and aesthetic field.

It can be used as an ingredient in a face mask or in a natural exfoliating scrub.

Applications in the veterinary field

Even in the veterinary field it is possible to use the Manuka honey as a device.

Especially in case of wounds or burns , promoting thorough cleaning and making the dressing replaceable without pain.

Manuka honey, thanks to its powerful antibacterial, antifungal and therapeutic action, makes it possible to eliminate impurities and dead tissue without any pain for the animal, promoting a complete recovery.

For further information, we leave you some scientific sources on this topic:

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  • Manuka Honey

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