3 Natural Coconut Oil Toothpaste Recipes
3 Natural Coconut Oil Toothpaste Recipes
Coconut oil can be essential for oral hygiene and is increasingly used as an ingredient for all-natural toothpaste. It can also be used for oil pulling, an ancient Ayurvedic practice for whiter, healthier teeth. Coconut oil toothpaste offers a natural alternative to commercial products often rich in chemicals, thanks to its powerful antibacterial properties.
1. Coconut Oil and Stevia Toothpaste
3 tablespoons of baking soda
2 tablespoons of 100% pure, cold-pressed organic coconut oil
10 drops of peppermint essential oil
A pinch of powdered stevia (dried and pulverized leaves)
Mix all ingredients in a glass jar to get a paste toothpaste, store near the sink, and use a teaspoon on your toothbrush.
2. Green Clay Toothpaste
3 tablespoons of baking soda
2 tablespoons of 100% pure, cold-pressed organic coconut oil
10 drops of essential oils: Tea Tree, Lavender, or Rosemary
100% ultra-ventilated pure green clay
Essential oils provide antiseptic, antibacterial, disinfectant, refreshing, and soothing properties for the oral cavity. Green clay is excellent for cleaning the oral cavity, contains minerals and trace elements, and possesses antibacterial and antiseptic properties.
3. Coconut Oil and Essential Oils Toothpaste
4 tablespoons of baking soda
8 tablespoons of 100% pure, cold-pressed organic coconut oil
1 teaspoon of salt (preferably Himalayan pink salt, sea salt, or Celtic salt)
1 teaspoon of warm water to dissolve the salt
Xylitol or another natural sweetener like Stevia
Vitamin K2 and other minerals like Bentonite for tooth remineralization (optional)
20-30 drops of essential oil
Mix all ingredients with a fork or spoon, or use an immersion blender. Adjust consistency by adding water if too thick or more coconut oil and baking soda if too liquid.
Essential Oil Choice
Choose essential oils based on taste and their intrinsic properties:
Eucalyptus essential oil: refreshes breath, combats germs and bacteria, and prevents plaque, cavities, and gingivitis.
Peppermint essential oil: prevents bad breath and promotes oral health.
Clove essential oil: provides antioxidant, antimicrobial, and antiviral support, and relieves pain.
Orange essential oil: anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.
Tips for Using Coconut Oil Toothpaste
Store the toothpaste in the fridge as it contains no preservatives and may deteriorate easily. Initially, the taste might be unusual compared to commercial toothpaste, but you’ll get used to it and enjoy a 100% natural product free of chemicals and reduce environmental impact.
Important: Each recipe contains baking soda, which has whitening properties but is slightly abrasive, so use it sparingly. It maintains the mouth's basic pH and is very useful for cleaning teeth.